Chelsea Lynn Peterson 

Extras Casting Director



Debbie Vogel 
Extras Casting Assistant

Leila Elhilal
Extras Casting Associate

our approach

who we are

We approach every project with the mentality that no two shows are alike. What we had before will never be the same as what is to come. We expect the unexpected, look for the undiscovered and roll with every change like "WE GOT THIS." We will find solutions to problems and love the challenges! 

We love looking for that special look - It could be a 1950's street scene with a few hundred bustling city goers decked out in period clothes and hair. Kids for a karate class who have REAL moves. Real boxers everyday for almost an entire movie. The judge for an intense courtroom scene. 

We work together with all departments to coordinate the look, the vibe, the feel of the background so that we can all bring that college bar scene to life on a Friday Night! (or of course, whatever scene it may be)

The background here are a unique group of people. Some bucket listers, some retired, some career extras, some college students looking for extra money..etc.  We spend a lot of time talking to them so we make every effort to get to know them!  We want them to feel great about being selected.  That way when they show up, they are happy and ready to rock!